Is shipping available to my city?

We're currently shipping from our studios in Shanghai, China and Washington, DC. Shipping to most cities around the world is free for orders over $350. For smaller orders shipping costs to cities outside of China and the US are steep. Contact us to inquire.

What is the appropriate age for a bamzoo kit?

The basic kit is suitable for most people over the age of 8. Check back soon for kits designed for younger inventors.

How many things can I build with one kit?

There are 18 rings in the basic kit. Smaller projects typically use 4-6 rings. Mid-size constructions use more. The BamZoomer , for example, uses 11 rings.

Break a strip? You really want me to break it?

Yes. The strips are designed to be edited to whatever length you please. Strips are plenteous. Discard unneeded fragments. Visit bam-boot camp for video tutorials on easy techniques for breaking strips.
